Miguel Araújo - AXL ROSE
Author Bruno Caetano
Views 48704
Votes 1128
At the same time life gains meaning, the past tends to stay stuck to our memory like photographs that register its most relevant moments. In those past trices, just the most dear gain life, all the rest are nothing more than backdrop that adorn our path.
"Axl Rose", is a music video for the 2017's album "Giesta" by Portuguese artist Miguel Araújo. Produced by Col.A - Animation Collective.
Director: Bruno Caetano
Art Direction: Ana Bossa
DOP: Vitor Estudante
Set and Prop Construction Direction: Ana Bossa
Puppet Maker: Paula Custódio
Sets and Props: Ana Bossa
Paula Custódio
Ricardo Mata
Machinist and Motion Control: Vitor Estudante
Character Animation: Lorenzo Deg’l Innocenti
Adicional Animation: Bruno Caetano
Tradicional Animation: Dimitrije Mihajlovic
Post-Production and Compositing: Luís Soares
Sara Boiça
Color Correction: Vitor Estudante
Vectorial Design for Laser Print: Ricardo Mata
Producer: Bruno Caetano
Production Assistant: Ricardo Mata
Produced by:
Col.A - Animation Collective
With the support of:
Junta de Freguesia de Alcântara
DB Audiovisuais
Gema Azul
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