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Don't cry snow.b

Author Kim Kitae,Kwon Ohwan,Byun Youngshik, Jin Junggon, Lee Dahye, Hong Jeongwon, Um taegong, Park Sungwoo, Jo hyunkyu, Yu Hyeji

Views 1863

Votes 6


Delpic Design Studio's character, Snow.B, is created under a setting:"Acceleration of global warming is taking away our home!"As snowmen that resided in the Arctic for long time begin disappearing due to global warming, the last standing little snowmen that lines in solitude meets friends in a similar situation and spends happy day. Nevertheless of Snow.B's effort to discourage them from making an escape, the friends try to escape due to disappearingof icebergs. With Snow.B, unable to survive in a warm weather and his friends, can't live on disappearing icebergs, how will they safely escape from this situation?

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