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Author Roberto Biadi

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Life isn’t a story that someone “tells” to you. You find yourself in the middle of it, and you try to understand what happen, but you can’t see everything coming.
I tried to put this on my short: not to tell a story, but to let people feel the story, feel the war, the pain, the chaos in Adolf Hitler’s life, and in world life in that period.
I think Hitler character is a kind of a “mask”, and I think a lot of people can wear that mask. And they do. Horrible things keeps happening on and on, and people keep wearing that mask, like if memory doesn’t exist.
Thinking about “Life” makes me come in mind a palindrome: something that keeps going on even when it goes backward. Present is the future of the past, so I choose this to end the short: In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.

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